Almond Biscuits (Betty Wilde)
2 oz butter, ½ egg (other ½ for varnish), 2 oz sugar, 1½ oz ground
almonds, 4 tspn flour, pinch of salt.
Put flour into a basin & make a hole in the middle. Put in butter, sugar
& the other ingredients. Work together with the hand until a stiff paste is
Roll out on a floured board, & with a fancy cutter stamp out into biscuits.
Place on a greased tin & brush over with egg.
Mark a cross with the prongs of a fork, & bake in a moderately quick oven.

Brandy Snap Rolls (Betty Wilde)
2 oz Margarine
2 oz Sugar
2 oz Syrup
2 oz Flour
½ tspn Ground ginger
1 tspn Lemon juice
Warm fat, sysrup & sugar in pan until liquid. Stir in sieved flour &
ginger & add a few drops of lemon juice mixing well.
Place in spoonfuls on a baking sheet spacing well apart as they spread.
Put into a very moderate oven for 12-15 mins, when they should be golden brown.
Allow to cool a moment or two, remove with knife and roll round a wooden spoon

Cheese Biscuits (Peter Denton)
½ lb flour
¼ lb cheese
3 oz butter
1 egg yolk
Cayenne pepper
Grate the cheese, which should be stale and of good flavour, parmesan for
Preference.Mix the flour with the cheese,then lightly rub in the butter, add
a seasoning of cayenne, and form into a paste with the beaten egg yolk. Roll
out and cut into shapes.if too dry add a drop of milk They should be baked in a quick oven for five minute
Temperature 400 f

Ginger Biscuits (Betty Wilde)
2 oz Butter
1 oz Lard
1 cup Sugar
2 cups Flour
1 tspn Bicarb of soda
1 tspn Ginger
1 pinch Salt
1 tblspn Treacle
2 tblspn Water
Mix to stiff dough. Roll out & cut to shapes.

Ginger Snaps (Betty Wilde)
4 oz Plain flour
1½ oz Fat
1 oz Sugar
½ tspn Ground ginger
½ tspn Mixed spice
¼ tspn Bi Carb of soda
1 tspn Vinegar
2 dessertspoons Syrup
1 pinch Salt
Mix all dry ingredients together except soda. Rub in fat & add syrup. Put
soda in cup, add vinegar & as it effervesces pour over mixture.
Mix together well keeping as dry as possible.
Roll out to make 24 biscuits & bake for 15 to 20 mins in a moderate (350o)