Toffee (Betty Wilde)
1 tblspn Water
1 pinch Salt
1 cup Sugar
2 rounded tblspns Golden Syrup
2 oz Butter
teaspoons and children (most important)
Boil quickly for about 10 mins until golden brown, don't allow to burn.
(Unless you want a 'burnt bonfire toffe' taste).
Test for snapping in cold water by dipping a wooden spoon in it, and allowing
a thin line to drip into a cup of cold water. If the toffee 'snaps' then it is
ready and immediately remove from the heat. If it bends then keep trying every
minute until it snaps.
Pour out into a greased tin to a depth of ½" or less, and allow to cool
properly. This can be broken up later by hitting the tin underneath with a metal
handle or small hammer.
Scrape the teaspoons around in the pan to remove the last of the toffee and put
in the cup of water for a minute or so to cool & harden then fight the
children for possession of these prized delicacies.
To keep the toffee you must place it in an airtight tin or similar as it will
go sticky if left out overnight.